Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Catholic Defender: Gays in the Military

The past three decades the pro-homosexual agenda has been to gain total acceptance in American society.

Through the Democratic Party they have worked hard in getting this through.

The Log Cabin Republicans, though small in number, strives to exert political influence.

Despite all this the vast majority of Americans oppose the "Gay Agenda".

This battle became nation wide in 1993 when then President Clinton wanted to end the Military's ban on Homosexual behavior. At that time the reaction from across the Country was strongly opposed to the plan.

So much so President Clinton tabled the plan for 6 months until the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy was adopted.

I remember at Fort Campbell Kentucky, there were a series of Marches against Gays in the Military right outside the Army Post. This was covered exclusively by the local and national media.

The Gay Agenda continued to work through the media, higher places of learning, and the Democratic Party.

The Secularization of our School system continues to push the limits working to change children from their parents and lead them away from their faith.

Currently, Fox News have been reporting all day that Defense Secretary, Robert Gates is willing to grant Homosexuals free reign in the Military.

This would be a huge mistake. The various issues that concern me are as follows:

1. The Chaplains would have to modify what they preached from the pulpit. This would be the first time that I am aware of that a Religious body would be forced to succumb to the State since the Catholic Bishops succumbed to King Henry VIII in 1534. Certainly, this would be the first time in American History, Congress authorized a Chaplain for every regiment on July 29, 1775. Incidentally, Congress appointed Colonel William Tudor as the first Judge Advocate and the Judge Advocate General Corps this very session.

2. The persecution of Christians would become more and more apparent inside the Military. To this point, I have had a number of encounters with Equal Opportunity Representatives from Battalion and Brigade level elements that would enforce projected UCMJ regulations. This would mean that if a Christian Soldier would infer that practicing Homosexuality is a sin, that could be an EO complaint. Practicing Christianity and practicing Homosexuality cannot co-exist.

3. There would be a severe hostility of the "open" Homosexual specifically in the Combat Arms section of the Military. Those specifically out serving at the Tip of the Spear. The Military should not be the ground bed of social engineering. The reason the Pro-Homosexual camps want this in the Military, they feel that the rest of society would soon follow.

4. Despite representing about 2-3% of the American culture, the Homosexual represents between 50 to 90% of all AIDS cases diagnosed. That would present a high volume of STD and other diseases that would shake an extended health care system.

5. Morale would become an all-time low if the Homosexual is allowed to openly serve. There is no real way to accommodate the situation for full integration.

6. Many seasoned leaders will have difficulty leading troops into battle, several will be forced out if they do not comply to the proposed UCMJ Standard. Recruiting of quality Soldiers would decrease as many would not consider the Military a volunteer option, especially if they are practicing Christians.

7. The rejection of the Sovereignty of God and the imposition of the authority of man. That really says it all. Not long ago, I was able to bring John Michael Talbot for two nights of awesome concerts and ministry at Fort Hood. Fort Hood's MWR and Public Affair's office refused to help us promote this for the Soldiers and their families on post because John is a professing Christian. If he would have been Mick Jaggar they would have been all over themselves. This will get worse under the proposed policy.

The Military does not have the ability to defend itself against a liberal attack or policy.

They are totally dependent upon the advocates for the Military to speak up.

Defense Secretary Gates will take a one-sided study to make a decision he was prepared to enact months ago.
The truth is the vast majority of the Military do not think Gays in the Military is a good thing.

Do you let them shower with the females? Do you let them shower with the males? Do you recognize "married" homosexual relationships using on post housing privileges?

Do Homosexuals have the right to adopt children using the DoD School system?

I retired from the Army after 26 years of Military service.

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